World Trial 2020

The 2020 World Sheepdog Trial will be held on the beautiful grounds of the Castle Howard Estate, September 17-20 in Yorkshire, England.

Alasdair and I are  honored to be representing the US along with 8 other handler/dog teams. We greatly appreciate your interest in our sponsorship.

For over 150 years , the shepherds of Great Britain monopolized the greatest sheepdog competitions in the world. In 2002, the ISDS and the sheepdog community created the opportunity for 25 other countries to come together and compete against the worlds finest in the first ever, World Sheepdog Trial. Now this esteemed competition is held every 3 years in varying locations.

Working sheep is a craft honed by shepherds of olde on snow capped, mist covered mountains, where their life revolved around the care and protection of their sheep; no matter the conditions or circumstances, the shepherds were there with their all important dogs. The dogs were Border Collies, not only the smartest, but also the most adaptable and precise worker of livestock that there is, or ever has been.

Hill sheep are lean and wild like deer. They can escape across craggy knolls, and down steep mountain paths, to get to lush green, rolling pastures. In the lowlands you’ll find stubborn, sometimes agressive ewes protecting their lambs.  They require convincing to move, both for exercise and husbandry, and must be taken gently in the right direction, on the safest routes and easiest crossing places. The amazing Border Collie can do it all!  These critical tasks without one would be impossible-no matter how many four wheelers or horses you have.

The dogs are so responsive they can be moved just a few feet to over half a mile away, with only a single whistle. They must also be able to work completely on their own, as they are often out of sight of their handler. It is training that only dedication and excellence can produce.

On the trial field, shepherds test their dogs and wits against not only each other but also the sheep, building up to the biggest competitions, each country’s National, the coveted International Supreme and once every three years. the prestigious WORLD TRIAL.

Alasdair and I are incredibly excited to be taking our Border Collies, Alba Tweed and Alba Nell to represent the United States. It was their performance in the US National Championship, 2018 and 2019,  that earned us this incredible opportunity.
Alasdair won the coveted International Supreme in 1993 with the legendary Nan; related to both Nell and Tweed. He’s also won  13 US National Championships, the Scottish National and holds the record for the most points ever attained on BBC’s esteemed, “One Man and His Dog”.  He is by far, the most accomplished handler in North America. I  attended my first trial novice trial in 2002 and won the US National in 2012.  In addition to Open trials, we’ve both won multiple Double-lift International Shed competitions and our lives have been immeasurably enriched through the journey with our dogs.

Please email us at to discuss how we can highlight and advertise your sponsorship in the coming months as we travel the US to prepare. For individuals who wish to sponsor us directly, we are extremely grateful. Your contribution will go directly towards travel expenses for Nell and Tweed.

Thank you and Go USA!

Nell and Tweed







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Read More About The ISDS World Trial